Christ e free Church of Saegertown, Pa
Join our church family each Sunday for
Discipleship & Discovery (ss class
9:15am - Discipleship and Discovery are groups for all ages, designed for interaction and to learn God's word together.
Community & Celebration (worship
10:30am - Community and Celebration is our morning congregational worship for the whole family and the whole community. We gather for instruction, fellowship, worship, and mutual encouragement (Heb.10:25).
Our worship service is a blend between traditional hymns and scripture choruses, along with some of the more popular contemporary worship songs. We believe this is important to minister to all age levels, which is crucial in the development and maturity of the body of Christ.
Nursing Home Church Development
Developing the existing church within the local care facilities.
* Quality Living Center Church (Saegertown
* Hillside Home Church (Meadville
* Juniper Village Church (Meadville
6:00pm - ACTION Jr / Sr High
** KidsKlub is NOT meeting at this time.
These aren't for the purpose of baby sitting. We take children's and youth ministry seriously. These are discipleship making and relationship building groups that learn the Bible, prayer, obedience and servanthood.
EMBers Church Business mtgs,
7:00pm first 2nd Monday of the month
7:30pm - AA
Release Time (during school year) "Reaching our children with the Truth, one heart at a time."
12:00pm 3&4th grds meet here; 5&6 Saeg. Com. Ch; 1&2 at Saeg. UMC
10:00am Prayer & Bible Study
Wednesday is our church's designated day for Prayer and Fasting for God's overall kingdom advancement and our church's health and growth.
1st SATURDAYS at 8:00
8:00am S.T.O.R.M. - MEN's Breakfast and Bible discussion at the church. We take any donation for next month's food.
2nd Saturdays at 9:00am
9:00am "Sisters of Encouragement" (Women) Prayer and Bible Encouragement.
Light In Bethlehem 6-9pm,
December 8,9
Christ E Free Church is transformed into the Little town of Bethlehem, for an interactive evening of experiencing what it may have been like to be a part of the very first Christmas.
Cost is free, but donations are received for event cost.
LiB Promo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj5Cjo1rhaE
In our surrounding area we live our...
Our purpose and mission is the worship God, follow Christ, love one another, reach the world and live like He will return today.
That means we are all about connecting with others relationally, in order to connect them to Christ and to other Christ followers. This is our mission field and our calling.
May is Missions Month
Throughout the month of May, we will be hosting one of our local or foreign missionaries. We will enjoy our annual Taste Of Heaven, missionary meal. This is with recipes from various mission fields, which reflect the various mission fields from around the world.
** Each 5th Sunday is Missions Sunday
H.O.M.E. Groups:
Home Outreach Ministry Experience. Home groups designed for outreach into our home mission field and connections with the local church. We hope to implement these groups mid-Spring.
GATHERINGS opportunities for family life
We have achieved success when we know that we have grown closer to God, reflected more clearly the image of Christ and helped someone else find their way to Him. In this, we glorify God.
“A Church is the sum total of the makeup of each of its attenders - nothing more, nothing less.” It is our desire to reflect the love, life and likeness of Jesus Christ, in our attitudes, behavior and choices. Anything else is unexceptable.
-some famous person