Christ e free Church of Saegertown, Pa
Free Christian Life & Study
3 Books on Holy Week
Holy Week 2011
Questions about Christ and the Resurrection
Holy Week 2012
Questions about Life & Death
"How Dead Will
We Really Be?"
Holy Week 2016
Other Events
that Surrounded
the Resurrection
4 Books of Missions
"Jonah" and What Not To Do
"100 years & Where Are
We Now?"
"The Sower"
Personal Disciplship & the Beginning
of Missions
The prophecy
& strategy of
missions from
Acts 1:8
Holy Week Outline for your class
Holy Week Story and coloring booklet
All sermon resources are free to download, edit and use in your own teaching format and forum.
We have new resources being added regularly. All resources are free and intended for your personal download, reading and even printing (if you have that capability) for study groups or passing on to others.
You can log onto our Resource Page with the link above, for other study helps and many good and free internet sites and resources.
ALSO visit our Morning Page link to view secular and Christian news agencies, devotionals, Christian persecution, Prayer sites and much more. The Morning Page helps you start your day "in the know and in prayer!"
Download for free:
"Love To The UtterMost, John Piper
Use for Sermons, Small group teaching
or personal devotions.
January 2010
"Significant Signs of Life"
February 2010
Praer and Fasting
Finding our Source in the Most High.
March 2010
October 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
September 2011
Challenges of Faith from Characters in the Bible.
You are more valuable than you can possibly imagine.
Prayers of Desperation: Prayer God answers, but no one wants to pray.
[download pdf]
December 2012
The Carols of Christmas
February-March 2013
Making Life Work BOOKLET, pt 2 (pdf)
Discovering my God Focused Purpose in Living.
January- February 2013
Making Life Work BOOKLET, pt 1 (pdf)
Discovering My God Focused Purpose in Living.
May 2013
James, pt 1 Faith That Makes A Difference
Growing to A Deeper level of spiritual maturity and a higher quality of Christian character (PDF)
June 2013
James, pt 2 Faith That Makes A Difference
Growing to A Deeper level of spiritual maturity and a higher quality of Christian character (PDF)
James, pt 3 Faith That Makes A Difference
Growing to A Deeper level of spiritual maturity and a higher quality of Christian character (PDF)
James, pt 4: Faith That Makes A Difference
* Growing to A Deeper level of spiritual maturity and a higher quality of Christian character (PDF)
July 2014
Growing Through Grief:
When Pain Won't End, And Hope Seems Lost
* Experiencing the very worst from life,
but the very best from God.
August 2014 - WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED?
Can a Jehovah's Witnes go to heaven?
Can a Morman be saved?
Can a Muslim be Forgiven ?
Can a Catholic be Certain?
May 2014
In the Presence of the Almighty:
Life Transforming Prayer (pd)
* Praying - not to see what we will get from
God, but to get to know God for who He is.
America Adrift: A Culture in Crisis and the Challenges Before the Church.
December 2014
February-March 2015
Christian Persecution
The book of Jude, Part 2
When the rest of the world is
The Focus of this series now transistions to
Chirstian persecution and STANDING FIRM in the faith for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
April & June 2015
The Tragedies of Life: the blessings of God and what life might be like without them. -PDF
February-March 2015
The Book of Jude PART-1
When the rest of the world is
"In The Shadow of the Shepherd"
-pdf - the sheep becoming more like the Shepherd, in moral character and in kingdom ministry.
November2015 & January 2016
"The Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit":
A Match Made in Heaven! The Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit are intended to be manifested together.
Download free editable WordDoc.
PDF document for easy download and viewing on your computer.
December 25 2015
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Resurrection. But there are many other important events in the life of Christ that are incporporated into this week. We will be examining these main events, while taking a look behind the scenes of the Passion Week of our Lord Jesus Christ. [PDF or Word Doc ]
February, April & June 2016
"Balancing The Christian Life:
Growing Together in the Basics"
What do know about the Christian life and Bible Study, Prayer, Witnessing, Serving, Giving, or Assurance? This study will help us be sure about the basics, as the all-important foundation for the rest of our spiritual life.
The Book of Jonah - is about Missions and what NOT to do. Don't think that we can walk away from God's known plan, and expect things to go well for us from that point forward. " [ PDF ]
"the 12 Disciples: Our Spiritual Ancestors. their Faith and failures
---Free Booklets
[ "the12" - part 1 ] [ "the12" - part 2 ]

October 30, 2016 [Audio] [Sermon Text]
"Good News of Great Joy to the World"
- Missions Sunday -
An Evangelical Celebration" (pdf)
"Mission in the Old Testament" The gospel and Gods' purpose from Genesis to Revelation. (W.Kaiser)
Sept,25-Dec, 2016 [Audio] [Sermon text] "Footholds and Strongholds:
Preparing the Way for the Gospel"
October 16, 2016 [Audio] [Sermon text]
"The Battle for the Gospel:
The Preservation &Protection of its Purity"
October 23, 2016 [Audio] [Serrmon Text]
The Gospel to the Church:
Reminding, Remembering, Rejoicing
ADVENT 2016 Storyline Booklet - for children. Let them color the pages, then re-tell the story to you or another family member.
[Audio Sermon Series for Advvent 2016 ]
- to the Church through Fellowship
- to the Lost through Outreach
- to my Calling through Service
[Bible Reading Schedule]
Bible Reading Booklet]
GOING Missions 2017
From Acts 1:8 - the Prophecy and Strategy, Promise and Command.
Foreign missions is nothing more than the far-reaching effects of our own personal discipleship efforts.
What is my part in local and foreign missions?
Malachi: "God's Book of Secrets"
July "Facing the Flaws
of our inner world" [ Booklet #1 ] [ Booklet #2 ] ______________________
Inner Flaws are spoiled leftovers from our old way of living.
New Life Traits are the elements of Christlikeness in the life of the true believer, that is in need of nurturing to fuller maturity.
[click for Assignment studies to declare war on our inner flaws.]

Our "Declaration of Indepencence" for July 2017
These Flaws are free to define me
and bind me -- NO LONGER!
3 Festivals
Unleavened Bread
Feast of FirstFruits
Feasts of Ingathering
7 Feasts
Passover, Unleavened Bread,
Firstfruits, Pentecost, New Year, Day of Atonement, Tabernacles.
2 Additional
Purim, Channukah
2 Prophetic
Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Supper of the Great God
Our God is Out-Pouring and Over-Flowing. Therefore even in hardship or persecution, God can fill us with His Joy-Filled hope in any and all circumstances.
View our Sermon Series Outline and READ THE SCRIPTURES for the morning's focus.

"The Narrrow Way"
Our focus on the Serrmon on the Mount, from Matthew chapters 5-7.
The Narow Way is a Troubled path.
John ch.15
"Abiding in Christ"
Jesus our True Vine
Personal Devotions from John
John ch.17
"Praying with Christ"
Jesus our High PRiest

Vol. #2: "Beattitudes, pt2" and "OT Law and the Christian, pt.1"
Question: "What is the value of the Old Testament Law in the life of a present day believer in Jesus Christ?"


May 2021
The Olivet Discourst
Matthes 23-25
"The Greatest Hope for teh Worst of Times"
Vol. #6: "
"The Narrrow Way"
Our focus on the Serrmon on the Mount, from Matthew chapters 5-7.
The Narow Way is a Troubled path.
Vol. #4 "Prayer and the Kingdom of Heaven
"The Narrrow Way"
Our focus on the Serrmon on the Mount, from Matthew chapters 5-7.
The Narow Way is a Troubled path.
Vol. #5 "Anxiety and Judgementalism
"The Narrrow Way"
Our focus on the Serrmon on the Mount, from Matthew chapters 5-7.
The Narow Way is a Troubled path.